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iOS, iPadOS und WatchOS:
We develop apps for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch

Today, smartphones, tablets and Apple Watches are our constant companions and reliable helpers in many areas of life. This applies to both private and business life. And this is precisely the ideal interface between your customers and your company. Because with your own mobile app, you can reach your target group without any detours! Now it is important to convince in the decisive aspects: intuitive usability and positive user experience, scalability and recognition value. We at medienmonster accompany you from the first idea of your mobile app until far beyond its release in the App Store!

3 reasons for having your own Smart TV app

Convincing performance

Mobile apps for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch offer enormous potential in terms of functionality and user comfort. Unlike a website, data can also be made available offline. In addition, smartphone, tablet or smartwatch apps correspond with other technical features of the end device – such as the camera. And push notifications further shorten the direct line between you and your target group.

Customer loyalty

Mobile apps for iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch exploit the maximum reach potential. With your own app, you can reach your target group anytime and anywhere – and automatically expand your reach through skilful performance. Your customers benefit from your optimised range of services and you determine user behaviour with the help of analysis tools in order to be able to react specifically to the needs and requirements of your customers.

New marketing potential

With the possibility of selling digital content via in-app purchase, you establish a new sales channel through your own mobile app and thus another mainstay for your business. This includes both one-off purchases and subscriptions. In this way, your app generates revenue for you in the background without any additional effort on your part.

Step by step to your own mobile app

Mobile apps are a segment that grows daily, reinvents itself again and again through technical optimisation, and thus inspires more and more users.


We at medienmonster have already developed a large number of apps, successfully launched them and provided long-term support. A dynamic market and an experienced partner agency – you too can benefit from this formula for success.

360-degree service from medienmonster

We advise you on all aspects of your own mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch – from the initial idea to well beyond the launch.


Our offer includes a well thought-out concept for your mobile app, the development of all customised functions in an individual layout and the publication in the App Store. And that's not all: afterpublication, we will look after your mobile app for at least two years so that we can adapt it to changing technological requirements or user profiles if necessary.


Our wealth of experience includes even complex in-app purchase solutions, encrypted video transmission with digital rights management (DRM), streaming and video-on-demand (VOD).


You have an individual business – we show you how much can be achieved with the help of a mobile app!

One basis for all devices

The Apple cosmos provides a multi-layered spectrum of devices. And it makes sense to make several levels usable from the outset. With a universal app, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS can be covered simultaneously. The data preparation and calls to an interface (API) are identical for all end devices, unless otherwise desired, and can be used centrally. In this way, even in-app purchase products can be shared. If necessary, we only adapt the user interface (UI) and the control.


You can find out more about tvOS here.


Your app - always up to date

Apple releases a comprehensive software update at least once a year. As part of our long-term support, we update your mobile app in correlation with each update and fix bugs without delay as soon as they become visible in live operation.